
Visitors can see all pages of this site, except the Genealogy pages (the Lineages) which are password protected for privacy reasons. Family members and other people involved can get a password here.
Bezoekers kunnen alle pagina's van deze website zien, behalve de Genealogiepagina's (de Lineages) die om reden van privacy met een wachtwoord zijn beschermd. Familieleden en overige betrokkenen kunnen hier een wachtwoord krijgen.

Here you find the links to the different parts of the Family Tree. Go to the Soya Lineage or jump to the Galala Lineage. You also can see the genealogy of the Pesoelima Lineage. A great part of the large Lokki Lineage is on line. The Ternate Lineage where the name changed into Passelima is live also. And now there also is some first information about the Picaulima Lineage. With your help we can add the info about the missing parts of the Family Tree and put them on this site. So, please send your info.

The Genealogy is mainly written in English. Some parts of the Family Tree are in Dutch since that is the language in which this genealogy was written originally. I'll try to translate those parts in English as soon as possible. There are some explanations of the English text in Bahasa Indonesia and in Nederlands.

The oldest coherent part of the Family Tree that we know is that of Putri Peseulima and her five sons. We consider this part as a starting point because it also tells us something about the different lineages that did arise.

Putri Pesulima

The information in this part of the Family Tree is derived from a paper that is written by uncle Gijs Pesulima from Ambon. Between brackets the original Indonesian text, together with the Dutch translation.


Putri ... PESEULIMA (Pesulima)
Living together (because the Dutch administration didn't permit her to marry) to a Dutchman. [Kawin piara (karena tak diberi idzin kawin sah olčh pemerintah belanda) dgn seorang Belanda. Samenlevend (omdat het Nederlands bestuur geen toestemming gaf om te trouwen) met een Nederlander.]
Their children all have the name Pesulima. [Anak2 merčka: yang semuanya Pesulima. Hun kinderen heten allen Pesulima.]



Became an officer in the English army. ... [Menjadi perwira tentara inggeris. ... h itu ia pergi ... ang Bantam ... eninggal ... a dan menu-... ... eterangan ... akamkan ... uran kristen ... itam/serang. ... nal dengan ‘Kapitang ... ’. Serang Bantam, Jawa Barat. Werd officier in het Engelse leger. ... ...]
The English army that is mentioned here is most probably the army corps that existed at Ambon during the so called second British interregnum from 1810 till 1817.



Became an officer in the English army. He changed his name to Peculima and settled down in Hattu. His descendants still bear the name Peculima. [Menjadi perwira tentara inggeris. IA robah namanya menjadi: ‘Peculima’ Dan memilih tinggal di Hattu, Dan anak cucunya hingga kini memakai nama marga: Pe...ulima. Werd officier in het Engelse leger. Hij veranderde zijn naam tot Peculima en ging wonen in Hattu, en zijn nageslacht draagt daarom tot nu toe de familienaam Peculima.]
See the Picaulima Lineage.



Became an officer in the English army. He settled down in Batu2Halong and his descendants still live in Galala, Hative Kecil, between Halong and Passo, in Ternate and in other places. [Menjadi perwira tentara inggeris. IA memilih tempat tinggal nya di Batu2 Halong Dan anak cucun, yang kini ada di Galala, Hative Kecil, dari Halong sampai Passo, di Ternate d.l.l. tempat lagi. Werd officier in het Engelse leger. Hij ging wonen te Batu2Halong en zijn nageslacht verblijft tegenwoordig in Galala, Hative Kecil, tussen Halong en Passo, te Ternate en in andere plaatsen.]
See Hendrik and his descendants at the Galala Lineage.



Civilian. Worked at the office in subdivision Hila, then moves to Lokki (West Seram) and works at a company that is owned by the Dutch government. He got married and stayed in Lokki, and his descendants are the Pesulima's in Lokki, Tawiri and Silale/Latuhalat. [Orang biasa. Mula2 bekerja di kantor onderafdeling di Hila ke mudian pinda ke Lokki (Seram barat) Dan bekerja di Lokki bedrijf kepunyaan gubernemen Belanda. IA kawin Dan tinggal di Lokki, Dan anak2 cucunya untuk semua Pesulima di Lokki, Dan di Tawiri Dan Silale/Latuhalat. Gewoon burger. Werkte eerst op het kantoor van de onderafdeling Hila, verhuiste vervolgens naar Lokki (West Seram) en werkt dan bij een bedrijf in Lokki dat bezit is van het Nederlandse gouvernement. Hij trouwde en bleef wonen in Lokki, en zijn nageslacht zijn alle Pesulima's in Lokki, Tawiri en Silale/Latuhalat.]
See Johanis and his descendants at the Lokki Lineage.



Civilian. Descendants now live in Soya, Rutong and Waai. [Orang biasa. Tinggal tetap di anak cucunya yang kini ada di Soya, Rutong Dan Waai. Gewoon burger. Plaatsen waar zijn nageslacht nu woont zijn Soya, Rutong en Waai.]
See the Soya Lineage.